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What is the Google Algorithm?

The latest development in search engine technology is the introduction of the Google Algorithm. The Google Algorithm is nothing but a 'system' for sorting and pulling information from various data sources and producing a unique and informative result. News of the Google Algorithm is usually an element of 'tech speak' or 'search engine optimization' jargon. So, if you're a search engine optimizer, you might be wondering what it means to you and how it could significantly help to improve your company's results.

A company's user's search revenue involves 6 core components: revenue from Click-Through-Rate (CTR), Pay-Per-Click (PPR), value per visitor (VPM), monetization of user journey including sales and leads, and Return on Investments (ROI). All of the components discussed earlier are involved in improving one's search engine ranking. Of course, the primary objective of any technology is to 'improve' the experience of the end users with the search engine, so that they will be visiting the website more frequently than before and clicking on these ads.

Simply put, the quality of a particular piece of literature, website or image, can influence a viewer's assessment of the quality of the business. Let's put this statement another way, any literature, website or image that improves the user's experience with the search engine is very good for the user. The reason is very simple when we think about it: the more a result looks and feels good to the user, the more likely they are to take it back to the search engine provider when they are done. So the better the piece of literature, the more likely a viewer is to return and click on any ad a prospective customer outbids for it. It's common sense.

But it's not all about good looks: there's section of the user experience where another piece of 'knowledge' is required. For example, let's imagine that you're searching for something in Google and you spot some results on the front page which look very impressed in every respect and are more likely to click on than others. On the other hand, your results might be a good example of the USPs for your industry, but they probably don't look enough to make a decision to visit your website. That's because in this case you know that you need something in place whether you have a website or not to rank well in results. So, you might finally decide that you'd be happy with the 'organic search' results as opposed to the 'paid' 'sponsored' results. And wouldn't you be happy to spend money to shop at your store if it was under- detects every positive about your company? Of course, you would.

If a website has a low quality score, it reduces its chances of being on the front page of search results and is more likely to be in 'prod' for having something to do with something negative which would only be deemed as 'spam' by users under the Google Algorithm.

Creating an internet marketing campaign which is based on 'the', i.e. basing it onto the principles of the SEO world, can be a very time-consuming process, but definitely a long-term strategy for some businesses as their web community is constantly growing and developing along with their revenues. However, by making use of the results and algorithms of a Google Algorithm, there is a greater chance for transformation that literally directly affects or transforms the user experience for all users who use Google. It doesn't matter whether they are brand- new, people busy with their business, or people who have spent countless hours working online. It doesn't matter whether they're searching for something good, talking about a product free for the world wide web, or did it come from the internet, and then they're counting the days until they accidentally check something they'll regret later.

A good website has to be designed to be user-friendly to minimize browsing time, navigation can also be increased to provide better experience for users with a mixture of physical and mental components.

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